October 19th Virtual and Hybrid Learning Changes
Parents, Guardians, and/or Caregivers,
Thank you all for your time in completing the new registration for your learner. We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to provide instruction in-person and virtually.
Looking at learners’ needs, current rosters, learning modalities, and schedules, we made every effort to keep your learner with the same teacher. However, after thoughtful consideration, the need was made to transition some learners to new roster teachers, based on learning modalities (hybrid/virtual).
This transition will start on October 19th. If your learner changed roster teachers, the new roster teacher will be making contact on Friday and Monday. They look forward to introducing themselves and continue to collaborate with you on your learner’s goals.
The virtual schedule at Ruby Van Meter will stay the same but learners may need to join new virtual classrooms. Teachers will communicate these changes and will create a new schedule for the learner. The hybrid schedule will be shared with you and your learner the week of October 19th.
Future changes with your student’s learning modality can be discussed with their IEP team and updates made on the IEP I page.
Roster teachers will be in contact to set up your learners fall conference.
Ruby Van Meter Administration