Spirit Days
Celebrate Homecoming 2015 with School Spirit Days! Click above for more details!
Celebrate Homecoming 2015 with School Spirit Days! Click above for more details!
A huge thank you to the employees at Owens & Minor, Inc for the school supply drive you held for our students. The students will put them to good use. Pictured: Scott Haynes, Michael Nessa, Tiffany Beaty, Bradley …
Ruby Van Meter’s Open House was featured on DMPS TV this month! Check out the awesome footage of our updated facilities. Click the above title to see our beautiful new building!
Renovations to our building are almost compete. Students attending Ruby Van Meter this fall will not start the year until September 2, 2015. Information packets have been mailed.
Beginning Thursday, May 14 Ruby Van Meter will begin the school day at 8:00am and will go until 3:00pm for the remainder of the school year. Our last day of school will be Friday, May 29 at 3:00pm.
DMPS will again offer breakfast and lunch over the summer months to children 18 and younger. The number of sites has grown, and so have the number of meals served. Last summer, DMPS staff fed children 28,722 breakfasts and 79,698 lunches. DMPS has sponsored a summer meal program for more than 30 years. Click on the headline for more information and a list of sites.
Chilly morning temperatures didn’t keep the competition from heating up at the 3rd annual Ruby Van Meter Track & Field Day. Students used the event as an opportunity to practice for events they will be competing in next Tuesday at the Special Olympics in Indianola. Click the photo at left to see more from this morning’s events.
A Hot Shot Basketball Tournament in the gym was the highlight today as students competed shooting hoops set at all ability levels. There were signs, cheers, plaques and t-shirts for everyone, courtesy of the booster club. Go Vikings!
Check out our Information and Forms section under the Parent tab. You will be able to locate forms and community activities on this page.
Understanding Autism Workshop 2-4-15