PTO Meeting February 7th
Ruby Van Meter PTO meetings may be attended virtually. Contact the school for information about how to log on.
Ruby Van Meter PTO meetings may be attended virtually. Contact the school for information about how to log on.
Elementary students are learning about winter; winter clothing, winter activities and winter songs. Related Arts teachers Melissa Holter (Music) and Gina Martin (Work Experience) are collecting gallon milk jugs to construct an igloo in the music room as …
DMPS is again hosting Special Olympics Unified Basketball games, with Ruby Van Meter playing at all of the Metro High Schools. Roosevelt general education students join our athletes to make up a strong team. All athletes and spectators …
There will be no school on Monday, January 17th in honor of Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Students will not have school on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 18th and 19th so that staff may …
Please join us at the next PTO meeting, Monday, January 3rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center. You may also attend the meeting virtually. For more information contact George Thompson at
The last day for classes before Winter Break will be Tuesday, December 21st. Dismissal time will be at the regular time (3:25 PM). The offices of Ruby Van Meter will be closed from Wednesday, December 22, 2021 thru …
Students will have Friday, December 10, 2021 off so that teachers and staff can go back to school improve our professional skills. Enjoy your long weekend!
Ruby Van Meter PTO meetings will be virtual until further notice. Contact the school for information about how to log on.
Picture Re-Take Day is for students who were absent on the original picture day or those who were not happy with this year’s original school picture. Pictures will start right away in the morning. Make sure that your …
Students and staff will enjoy Thanksgiving Break starting Wednesday, November 24th. School will resume on Monday, November 29, 2021. Have a warm, wonderful and safe holiday!